
Our Ethos

When did "flexible" workspaces become so bad?

Sky high fees. Zero flexibility. Neon motivational quotes on every wall. We get enough of those on Instagram, thanks.

Once upon a time, coworking spaces existed for charities, startups and creative entrepreneurs to do their thing without the massive overheads only corporate beasts can bear. But then Big Business clocked on to the benefits – and coworkers found themselves pushed out. Out of decent, high spec space; out of convenient, accessible locations to hinterlands it takes a multi-zone travel card to reach.

In their place, ‘trendy’ companies started taking over entire floors. The inspiring, exciting mishmash of old began to disappear. Hot desking became lukewarm.

Meanwhile independent workspaces got sucked up by Shiny New Coworking Companies – sharks in startup clothing. ‘Flexibility’ and ‘community’ became buzzwords; networking, a veiled threat. Everywhere started to look the same, but feel alien. No, I don’t want an innovation huddle or a free doughnut. I just want to work.

But coworking wasn’t easy anymore. Or affordable, as smallprint sprawled across contracts turning basics into chargeable ‘extras’. Keeping track of costs became an anxiety dream: can I afford to print this email? Should I book a meeting room or buy lunch?

One by one, the brave, scrappy self-starters gave up and headed home. Maybe working from there would be easier. We all know how that ends.

Brixton Castle is the start of a different story. One where anyone and everyone can access high quality, affordable work space bang smack in the heart of Brixton. (Seriously – we’re a 30 second walk from the stations.)

Where fees are all inclusive, no matter how many meeting rooms you use, and contracts can be as flexible as you need. Where being a brave, scrappy self-starter is celebrated, not exploited, and everyone’s in the same boat as you – including us.

Brixton Castle,
where coworking works

The Facilities

Our aim is pretty simple: we’re here to help you get stuff done. Whether you need an office for a one-off project, a long-term let or just a break from the tyranny of your kitchen table, we can make it work.

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The Space

Affordable doesn’t have to mean cheap. Brixton Castle has been designed from scratch to be somewhere you’d feel great about welcoming clients – and coming to every day. Custom built desks, panoramic windows, sound-insulated meeting rooms and a bevvy of thriving plants make it a comfortable, stylish space to support your productivity, rather than deplete it.

The Vibe

Networking is great – but only on your terms. Most people in coworking spaces are either freelancing, starting their own business or choosing not to work from home because it’s impossible to focus with the washing machine in the background. We want our members to have the most productive day possible, so our layout is designed to be social but give you space.

We don’t do events or organised fun, either. No one needs awkward drinks or talks on ‘finding your authentic purpose’. You already have, that’s why you’re here. Socialising at Brixton Castle is organic and genuine. Nothing kills a buzz like name tags.

The Deal

We believe coworking should be as hassle free as possible. It’s our job to make your life easier, and we take it seriously. Our fees are all-inclusive: meeting rooms, ultra fast broadband rates, service charge, cleaning, drinks and printing facilities come within the price. What you see is what you get, no hidden nasties. We mean it.